What do you do?
If you are like me,
You have had your fair share of fights, but these fights
were civilized.
Maybe you said angry words.
Maybe you sent a nasty email.
Maybe they said bad things about you to your colleagues or
your superiors.
But no one got hurt.
Physically that is.
If you are like me,
You believe deep inside that everything can be solved by
That people behave in well understood ways.
That violence is something you read about in the newspaper.
That you will live out your life in the relative safety of a
well policed society.
If you are like me,
No one has ever punched you in the stomach really hard.
You have never had a fist fight in your life.
You have never had a knife pointed at you.
You have never had someone come at you with the intention of
hurting you.
What do you do?
What do you do when these beliefs, these life
experiences are no longer valid?
What do you do when the unthinkable happens and some one is
trying to hurt you?
Discover-101 believes that, the question deserves a two
part answer.
Semper Paradus

The Discover-101 Self
defense training program
Discover-101 is happy to introduce Semper Paradus.
Our program on;
4 Physical
Conflict Avoidance
4 Basic
Self Defense Techniques
Semper paradus is a two part program. Roughly
two-thirds of the program is about how you can avoid getting into a violent
situation in the first place. The other one third is about what to do to get
out of a violent situation that you are in.
Part 1 – Physical Conflict Avoidance
Studies show that certain people have a bigger chance of
being in a violent situation than others. This 4 hour session is all about what
makes attackers think that they can attack you and what you can do to change
You can consciously choose to avoid or resolve situations
which could turn violent.
§ What
factors determine your likelihood of being in a violent situation?
§ What
behaviors are typical of those likely to be aggressed?
§ What
behaviors can you exhibit to avoid violence?
§ How
do you spot a situation that is potentially violent?
§ How
can you avoid a situation where your physical safety might be compromised?
§ How
can you diffuse a potentially violent situation that you happen to be in?
These activity driven, self exploratory modules explore
these questions and more to change the way participants behave and view
At the end of this session participants will be:
ü More aware
of the impressions they are creating in the minds of potential attackers
ü Able to
spot and walk away from potentially violent situations
ü Know what
to do when a situation is about to turn violent
Part 2 – Basic Self Defense Techniques
All right, so now it’s happened. Somebody is attacking you.
What can you do?
You have no weapons. Just your wits and some training.
This two hour what and how session, conducted by a martial
arts expert teaches participants;
§ How
to break a strangle hold
§ How
to stun attackers long enough to escape
§ How
to use nails, teeth and stationery as weapons
§ How
to use an attackers weight to your advantage
All modules are in
show-and-tell format with the instructor demonstrating moves while the
participants pair-up to practice.
Trainer Profile
At the end of this session, participants will be aware of
techniques to;
ü Escape
from attackers
ü Injure or
stun attackers
ü How to use
pepper spray
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